The first EQS is assembled at Factory 56

May 18, 2021

Last April, the presentation of the new EQS from Mercedes-EQ a 100% electric vehicle on which all eyes have been focused. This model is the first model designed and developed from the ground up, by Mercedes-Benz, on a platform for 100% electric propulsion.

The EQS not only stands out for its technology, its electric range of 770 km, its power of up to 524 HP or its low coefficient of aerodynamic resistance Cx (one of the lowest seen in the history of the automotive industry), but it goes much further. there.

with this model Mercedes gives free rein to her imagination and gives a glimpse of what awaits us in the 100% electric EQ range.


As expected, the development of a vehicle with these impressive features has been so important and has generated so much expectation that it could not be created in any production plant.
That is why, Mercedes-Benz has enabled “Factory 56”, a production plant that stands out for being ultra-technological and advanced over time.

Factory 56, the most advanced factory in the world

Factory 56 located in Sindelfingen, Germany, shares production with the newcomer renewed S-Class and the Mercedes-Maybach S-Class, which is not surprising considering that the S-Class has always been, for Mercedes-Benz, the showcase of its cutting-edge technology.


It should be noted that the Eqs has been manufactured trying, as far as possible, leave the smallest possible impact or footprint on the earth. Both así es, que Factory 56 is a production plant that does not emit carbon emissions, it is completely C0 neutral2 and has significantly reduced power requirements.

All this is possible since Factory 56 It has an innovative technological concept, it has a large photovoltaic system located on the roof of the factory that feeds a direct current electrical network and is also capable of storing all this energy thanks to storage systems based on reused vehicle batteries.

With some of the most futuristic facilities, Mercedes-Benz Factory 56 is one of the most advanced in the world and it is not surprising since it has an approximate investment of 730 million euros in its development and production.


With this new production plant Mercedes-Benz is increasing efficiency in the plant by 25% more compared to the previous assembly.

But what makes it really new Factory 56 is the capacity and speed that it has to implement the production of other models such as the EQ Power in just a few days, making it a truly flexible, digital, sustainable and efficient plant for market demand.

But what truly makes Factory 56 so advanced?

The flexibility of this production plant is possible thanks to a neurological brain called MO360 (Mercedes-Benz Cars Operations 360), advanced digital ecosystem comprising a family of software applications that are connected through shared interfaces and standardized user interfaces using real-time data to support global production.


The plant operators receive in KPI the vehicle production stages in real time as well as different assembly orders for each vehicle, which makes it easier to understand and completely eliminates the use of paper. That's right, Factory 56 does not use paper, all processes have been digitalized.

As relevant information, only Factory 56 saves around ten tons of paper per year by implementing the PAPERLESS FACTORY.

Large parts of Mercedes MO360 are already being used by more than 30 plants around the world which facilitates communication between them.

This new ecosystem makes production even more transparent, streamlines processes and allows for a fluid network of previously separate processes to make them even more efficient as a whole.

Logically, the concept of the production plant Factory 56 will be gradually implemented at all Mercedes-Benz factories, improving efficiency and assembly processes.

Ultimately Factory 56, like The new EQS are at the forefront of the change that the automotive sector is experiencing and lay the foundations for what electric cars and production plants will be from now on..

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